new haven farm hoME
New Haven Farm Home is a trusted not-for-profit organisation, committed to working with the broader community to form mutually beneficial partnerships and provide opportunities and innovative solutions for people with a disability.
Generosity and support from individuals, community organisation and corporates assist us to bring additional experiences to the lives of the people in our care, helping them to develop their skills and share in activities that we all enjoy.
There are many ways you can get involved with New Haven Farm Home. Your workplace, social group, community group, family or friends might like to provide an opportunity for one of our clients to develop their skills and achieve their goals, OR, you might like to hold your own fundraising event or challenge to fundraise and give clients even more opportunities within our community

A gift in your will
Fundraise for us
Join a fun-run, host a dinner with your family and friends or maybe fundraise in lieu of gifts at your next celebration. There are lots of fun ways you can help!
Workplace giving
Did you know you can support people living with a disability through pre-tax donations? Get your workplace involved today!